our Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

31 December 2009

+ changes +

+ changes +

:year:hopefully everthing become more better.

28 December 2009

+ monday mornin' +

+ monday mornin' +
salam.salam sejahtera.
waa sangat busan hari ku ini.
kosong seperti kotak.

dlm hati ku terdetik 'ingin pulang lebih awal'
sayu segala semua terisi.
just menunggu jam 5 utk ku berangkat pulang.
sangat ku xsabar.
seawal pagi ku bangkit dari katil ku dan melihat segala telatah abg, kakak ipar ku, adik n my sister seakan malas nye nak menuju ke ofis.
memandangkan ku still punya tanggungjawab.
so ku ringan kan kaki ku utk melangkah.
sesampai d opis ya ku teruskan kerja yg tertunda.
nw jam menunjukkan 2.20 pm.
ntah ape yg terdetik d hati ni.
just ingin pulang.pulang.dan pulang.
that why ku mencoret diary ni sementara menunggu nya (5pm)
release sumtime.

26 December 2009

+ me better +

+ me better + eyyo :D and afternoon. here i'd listen youtube lilly allen "not fair" i really like her songs and it's so fun + chicky songs. today i'm not going anywhere just stayin' at home and release some space at cc. hehe :D in my head just edit blog. nothin'.and nothin' special. p/s : while am bored and just listening my fav song. please be inform. i've nothing to worried. for her or what. now i'm just follow what i should be. so thanks a lot for bein' my someone once time ago. and i appreciated what u'd done for me. but it's just stop like that. like we've never meet. peace!

23 December 2009

+ seharian +

+ seharian +
sangat ku xfaham dgn corak duniawi neh.
i keep thingkin'.
was it myfault???
hanya kerana nila setitik abes sume rosak?
should u use this sentence?
for me thats not.
once ur be my "some one" then i'll be u forever.
but once u throw me like a rubish then let me know.
i'll stand like nothing happend.
don't just make me like im dead.
unfair for our r***********
this is not bout love.
this is bout feeling' and understandin'.
(p/s : am just proud with my old friends.)
that all.
only her
hopefully shes d one whos always understand my prob.
for those who don't know the truth don't act like u knew everythings.
like u knew somethings i hidden.
even everythings i'd story but it's not d same.
u r totally wrong
i rather stay away like nothings happend than be a ****
all this is fake.
will never help me.
but just + more biggest problem of d life.
!out of my business!
but sumtime ku terpkir salah semua yg terjadi haruskah tertuju ke arah ku?
is that beginin' from me.
i try. try to stay away.
xper la. ape yg da jadi terjadi.
dgn itu ku terlihat segala kebenaran d depan mata.
maaf andai ku xsempurna wahai 'S******'
aku xsempurna seperti mereka yg laen yg kamu kenal.
sebaeknya am just 'away'

better than together.

21 December 2009

+ pagi +

+ pagi +
pagi.pagi.pagi :D
yeah ari neh ari baru utk ku :D
i've to change.and i must change.
whateva is bein' 'new'
oke yesterday i'd learn many things about 'solat' i mean sunat.
sound ackward but this is the true.
everyday people make a change bout everythings.
but it's briliant.
today like usual my bro just goin out to work around 6.30.
then after 8 mysis wake up and go to bath while i'm still lay at my room. huh!
such have heavy things in myhead.
jue don't go! jue go! jue don't go!
and last is 'm choosin'
go! go! jue!
then around 8.40 i'm goin' out.
and thats the reason i alwys late come to office.
soory bOs! tada house.
am leavin' u :D
hopefully my days become worth and worthy like a diamond :D

17 December 2009

+ doa awal and akhir tahun +

+ doa awal and akhir tahun +
jum i just wanna share this :D so for those are islamic read this
::doa new year and end year::
Barangsiapa yang membaca doa awal tahun ini, insya Allah dirinya akan terpelihara daripada gangguan dan godaan syaitan di sepanjang tahun tersebut.
doa awal tahun Maksudnya: Allah SWT berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat baginda dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka. Wahai Tuhan, Engkaulah yang kekal abadi, yang qadim. yang awal dan ke atas kelebihanMu yang besar dan kemurahanMu yang melimpah dan ini adalah tahun baru yang telah muncul di hadapan kami. Kami memohon pemeliharaan dariMu di sepanjang tahun ini dari syaitan dan pembantu-pembantunya dan tentera-tenteranya dan juga pertolongan terhadap diri yang diperintahkan melakukan kejahatan dan usaha yang mendekatkanku kepadaMu Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Agung dan Maha Mulia. Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha pengasih dari mereka yang mengasihi dan Allah berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad. Nabi yang ummi dan ke atas ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.
Barangsiapa yang membaca doa akhir tahun ini, maka syaitan akan berkata:"Hampalah kami di sepanjang tahun ini".
doa akhir tahun

Maksudnya: Allah SWT berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat baginda dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka. Wahai Tuhan, apa yang telah aku lakukan dalam tahun ini daripada perkara-perkara yang Engkau tegah daripada aku melakukannya dan aku belum bertaubat daripadanya. Sedangkan Engkau tidak redha dan tidak melupakannya. Dan aku telah melakukannya di dalam keadaan di mana Engkau berupaya untuk menghukumku, tetapi Engkau mengilhamkanku dengan taubat selepas keberanianku melakukan dosa-dosa itu semuanya. Sesungguhnya aku memohon keampunanMu, maka ampunilah aku. Dan tidaklah aku melakukan yang demikian daripada apa yang Engkau redhainya dan Engkau menjanjikanku dengan pahala atas yang sedemikian itu. Maka aku memohon kepadaMu. Wahai Tuhan! Wahai yang Maha Pemurah! Wahai Yang Maha Agung dan wahai Yang Maha Mulia agar Engkau menerima taubat itu dariku dan janganlah Engkau menghampakan harapanku kepadaMu Wahai Yang Maha Pemurah. Dan Allah berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad, ke atas ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya dan mengurniakan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.


alhmdulillah today everythings was back t d nrmal.
yestrday i just got wash brain from one of myfriend at 'ipb'
about solat and everything :D
i thnkful for him for realize me about all tis things.
sumtime we cant get true friend who will bring us on the right track.

like he said Allah S.W.T give d most 'problem' just want to test how much patient
so for me is
"believe that Allah S.W.T is capable of 'anything'
and 'nothing' is difficult or impossible for HIM
to accomplish"
tomorrow i'll be at JB.
to see my nephew and my sister (eight months)
xsaba nyer.

16 December 2009

+ d com +

+ d com +
yep this is atromen action
(",) plus action kamen(",)
::myever cuties boy (nephew) ::

+ recent activity +

+ recent activity +
yes! there just an activity i'd make :D
and d best things is d structure is originaly.
am not edited it.
only a few things like frame and tag.
this is Tasik Titiwangsa :D
adorable. for d first time am goin' to .Aquaria klcc.
i bet this is d best!
but am to tired

+ rather +

+ rather + .everythings come and goes just like that.
i rather 'lost everythings'
lost job
lost friendship
lost d love
and whoever.
* pretend for my self only *

11 December 2009

+ skills+

+ skills+
today i'd learn about photoshop.
even i dont know it very well but i'd learning it as well.
yesterday i was spend my time with that.
but sumtime as a human bein' i not runnin' out from d mistake.
i want what i want.
i want "DSLR Digital Camera".
i need to be a professional photographer :D
and yet how am i going to weave all this together
what a speechless!
today am gonna go to mysister hotel.
there she has a meeting.
d best from her.
then i've been there this nite.
ha! muhammad Farihin u wait me till i get through u.
and my lil sis also.

10 December 2009

+ twilight +

+ twilight +
hah! neh nak tgk cter nih la.
org len sbuk duk tgk then i xtgk agy.
ishk taleh jadik.
i've to go.
see alone.

+ free +

+ free +yesterday am not workin' actualy.
for whole day am stayin' at home and just finish with hearin' d musix.musix.musix.
i turn off d tv and just sit + wonder everythin'
again.again.again and again.
but it keep mess me.
haiya. what've i done.
my lord! please put me out of tis thin'.
then after bored with d musix i need to drink.
"milo ais tabur" gain energy actly.
then i sat up on d sofa. i again' my brain work keep in thinkin' HATED!
adui. just feels like im a damn person just waitin' for punishment.
am not scare with whoever/person but i scare with judgement from HIM.
i'v e to out of this. myself n all their whos pitch in.
fake off!
but today :D like usual am comin' work with d good and +ve mind.
weah! am tired.tired.tired.
hish! so bored when i think like this.
make some change do not make it work.
yeah thats what i here.
sister herda , Farihin and lil aishah.
just wait for me oke.
i'll be there soon.
he. i'd been thinkin' just be me 'jue' before.
what out. and don't make some troble 'again'.
plus with this new movement hopefully will make me 'set as a free mind'.

07 December 2009

+ countin' +

+ countin' +
a few day yet 2010 will come :D
so with that i suppose i've a dream or new hope.
but everyday is d same always.
i hate myword.i hate my personality.i.hate d way i thin'.i hate d way i hate.i also hate everythin'.
am to much hate everything about me!
this should't be.
enough for
i'm not belong to be here.

03 December 2009

+ mrt map +

+ mrt map +
click this map singapura for more info :D

+ bit +

+ bit +
haiya. today am feelin' bad.
yesterday i was thingkin'
was should i do.
i hope they pitch in with this.
but today nothin' special.
lunch time i was goin' out with my bos, yati and anis.
we lunch at eastern mall.
my menu is ktiaw goreng' and laici :D

02 December 2009

+ sehari bersama +

+ sehari bersama +

location : changin Airport (suppose i spellin' it rite)
this time we chill sampai rase puas and also puas hati.
yelar agak lame xmenjejakkan kaki d bumi sg.

yeah i admit i love to see this view :D
everytime i see yesh! but d best is almost be the best.
like us.

location : otw to the arab street
fuh! this time am become tired..huhu..
tired but fun.

oh no! please stop..
hah nak taw tis time my sis saje jer amek kesempatan nak buli i.
hehe...tanpa beliau mybe am not d strong person..mybe..
theres muhammad helmi with my lil sis aishah :D
looks like muhaamad helmi bored..ahha.
we're enjoy.

there is
malay haritage center
i'd been there for d 1st time :D

merenung mase depan dgn begitu asyik.huhu.
capture by muhammad helmi.

yah this time very happy. especially him muhammad farihin.