+ free +
yesterday am not workin' actualy.
for whole day am stayin' at home and just finish with hearin' d musix.musix.musix.
i turn off d tv and just sit + wonder everythin'
again.again.again and again.
but it keep mess me.
haiya. what've i done.
my lord! please put me out of tis thin'.
then after bored with d musix i need to drink.
"milo ais tabur" gain energy actly.
then i sat up on d sofa. i again' my brain work keep in thinkin' HATED!
adui. just feels like im a damn person just waitin' for punishment.
am not scare with whoever/person but i scare with judgement from HIM.
i'v e to out of this. myself n all their whos pitch in.
fake off!
but today :D like usual am comin' work with d good and +ve mind.
weah! am tired.tired.tired.
hish! so bored when i think like this.
make some change do not make it work.
yeah thats what i here.
sister herda , Farihin and lil aishah.
just wait for me oke.
i'll be there soon.
he. i'd been thinkin' just be me 'jue' before.
what out. and don't make some troble 'again'.
plus with this new movement hopefully will make me 'set as a free mind'.