+ sehari bersama +
location : changin Airport (suppose i spellin' it rite)
this time we chill sampai rase puas and also puas hati.
yelar agak lame xmenjejakkan kaki d bumi sg.
yeah i admit i love to see this view :D
everytime i see yesh! but d best is almost be the best.
like us.
location : otw to the arab street
fuh! this time am become tired..huhu..
tired but fun.
oh no! please stop..
hah nak taw tis time my sis saje jer amek kesempatan nak buli i.
hehe...tanpa beliau mybe am not d strong person..mybe..
looks like muhaamad helmi bored..ahha.
we're enjoy.
there is
malay haritage center
i'd been there for d 1st time :D
merenung mase depan dgn begitu asyik.huhu.
capture by muhammad helmi.
yah this time very happy. especially him muhammad farihin.